Thursday, July 20, 2006


Ben is sick. I am sick. But our to-do list still looks healthy and strong. Clutter is still everywhere around us. We need to cut down on our wasteful living and be more frugal. We have too many things we don't need. Indeed, God has blessed us more than we have enough room to contain it. Remedy? Give them away. :D They are great stuff. All in abundance.

Now I have to make sure my study area is straightened before the final semester. Then I can concentrate and not be bothered by the mess. I'll probably have half my heart on moving stuff to Bedok South (we're shuffling bit by bit) during the semester. So best not to be too distracted. Otherwise another big reason to procrastinate my work.

How hard is it clearing mess? My helper's really good at it. She inspires me to keep going. See, if you can't tell by now, I'll blogging coz I'm procrastinating.

Oh, Ikea's sale starts tomorrow. I need to get well.


Lupin Tan said...

Do come to church, we'll pray for u guys.

Audrey said...

Thanks. Meanwhile can still pray for us, we'll see you at cell tonite hopefully. :)