Sunday, July 02, 2006

Communicating with Shalom

Perhaps it's mother's instincts, or that he's an excellent communicator, I can really communicate with Shalom. It's almost as if I can understand his whine/cry/yell. I really praise God for that - it really has reduced a lot of frustration. Today, after the swim class, I went to run an errand @ Carrefour. Ben told me later that Shalom was yelling his lungs out in the car. It wasn't his feeding time yet, that was why I thought I could run the errand. He'd stopped crying when I got back to the car, but when I carried him, he started crying again - the cry that said, "Where did you go mummy? I missed you terribly! Why did you not take me along and leave me behind instead?" Quite a heartbreaking cry - plus the tired cry. So I snuggled him close and he fell asleep almost instantly. That's one of the many incidents.

Another type is the hungry cry. Cries when hungry, and stops. Yells again when I'm about to feed him (like max a couple of minutes), as if to say, "where have you been? I'm hungry!" And then he suckles happily. Try taking him off halfway and it would seem like you've just unplugged the earphones off some music player playing loud music! :D

Although I've known him 'proper' for only about 3 months plus, the bond is very evident. It's amazing how they are able to communicate and I really thank God for such a joy in my life! Every morning, he wriggles and jabs me in the ribs unendingly, and when I wake up, he stops jabbing and just gives me such a HUGE SMILE! Very cheeky baby! :D He hates to lie down doing nothing and loves to explore. He loves talking to people, and I swear he said "Huh-low" twice this evening! :D He's just absolutely amazing. :) Praise God for Shalom. :D

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