Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Abigail Before Turning Two

Soon, Abby's gonna turn two. It's almost a two-year relationship, and it's getting more and more wonderful each day. She's learning lots too! Just yesterday, Abby managed to recite the WHOLE ABCs! Including the missing 'E' and the broken 'LMNOP' bridge! She usually tails off after K with a QRST then YAY!!! But somehow she's been watching and observing each time the song is sung, and when we sang it in the car yesterday with Daddy (YES!! HE WITNESSED THE FIRST TIME TOO!) she carefully placed the 'E' and constructed the 'LMNOP' sequence! AWESOME! When her grandparents heard her sing it in the evening, they were swept off their feet! :) She was really glad to accomplish such an awesome feat! :)

Also, she's beginning to be sensitiive to her bowel movements. She'll let us know if she needs to move her bowels, and won't do it till there's a potty or even a toilet bowl (I insist it must be CLEAN) around. As for passing urine, she says it as 'Pah-Ew-Ring' but occasionally mixes up with 'Poo-poo'. She'll let us know only when she goes (sometimes) and also will Pah-Ew-Ring when we put her on the potty. When we ask her if she needs to go, she'll either shake or nod her head. If she nods, she'll have a go on the potty. Two nights/mornings ago, she even woke up with a dry diaper, according to Lina! :) She's taking the lead in terms of potty-training, and no pressure from us. In fact, we need to be more attentive to her needs! Such as going before a car-ride! Poor girl, on Sunday she needed to go, but usually we're on the move especially on Sundays, and she couldn't do it in the mobile potty we got for her, so she didn't go till much later. :P Bad parents. But forgiven. :)

I'm also glad she's bonding well with her two Uncles (13+ and 11+) back from Sweden, as well as her 12 year old Aunt. She has tonnes of fun with them and looks forward to seeing them.

Oh! And in the middle of the night when I was sponging her (she was running a fever last night), I was having a conversation with her and it went something like this...
Me: Dear, you're having a slight fever. I think you might need to stay at home tomorrow. Would you like to stay at home or go to school?
Abby: Stay at home. *smiles*
Naughty Me: But you've got Teacher J in school. Would you like to stay at home or go to school?
Abby: *ponders...* *smiles* school!

Yah, she goes to school for the Teacher. Thank God! But she missed school today coz she was having a cough in the morning. Also, we're going to the zoo with the school tomorrow, so gotta rest to be able to go to the zoo! :D

1 comment:

Lupin Tan said...

Really Glad that Abby is in tune with school, and wow, she's turning 2. That was fast. Real Fast.