Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Each time I look at the Blogger Post template, my mind goes a lil' blank. Prior to seeing the page, I have so much within me to write about. But when the page appears, *autoformat* and my mind goes *blank*.

Not funny.

Especially when somehow, this blog has become my log for events that take place in my life. Sad. I don't log it anywhere else.

Shalom has been ill. But he's slightly better.

Abby's ill. We just came back from KKH. Long day.

Both of them haven't been well, so they want daddy and mummy. Especially at night.

So we mimic sardines in a can.

Mini Shalom. Big Mummy. Not-so-mini and wriggly Abby (teary at times). Tired Daddy.

No joke sandwiched between two kids. You're in a 6-8hour hold-up. If you make them leave, it's sleep or your life.


Anyway, we went to KKH today because Abby's been running a fever, close to four days. She saw a GP outside our place on Sunday - MIL took her - and wasn't prescribed antibiotics. So when she hit 39.5deg today, we returned to Dr Quack. (No that's not his real name). We waited and when he saw her, he commented surprisingly that she's yellow-tinged. I noticed she was a bit yellowy when he checked her palms and arms for rashes. (I asked him if she was yellowy the last time he checked her on sunday and he couldn't reply. He asked if we gave alot of carrots. I pondered and realised it could be my daily dosage of Vitamin Cs that's turned her orange. So I asked if it was possible. He replied with a rhetorical, "You think?" Blah.) He also checked her throat. Nope, slightly red, no need antibiotics (SO WHY THE FEVER?). Wrote a letter and referred us to KKH. Nice. Done. No need to deal with toddlers anymore. (Sigh. I've been wanting to take Abby to her regular expensive but good PD but MIL silently thinks it's too expensive.)

Enter KKH. Pay $65 upfront for Children's Emergency. Thank God they don't charge for anxiety - otherwise I'll have to pay tons. Abby cried whenever she saw a nurse or a doctor. Mind you. This is a hospital. She perked up each time we said all done. "Is it time to go yet?" Her expressions would ask. "No my dear, they're not done yet."

Doctor did a throat examination (VERY RED, NEED ANTIBIOTICS) and heard her lungs - got phlegm. Needed blood test and URINE TEST. Sigh. Taped a urine bag to collect her sample but all leaked out. Waited too long. Tried to collect manually but Lina wasn't paying attention at the crucial moment and almost all leaked out. Argh. (Our PD could have done the urine test also - he did once previously).

Results - blood test revealed infection - high level of white blood cells plus some other high level. Antibiotics needed. Fever medicine. Runny nose medicine. Phlegm medicine. Currently have to take 4-5 different types of medication. Plus another 2-3 bottles standby. That was a lot of bottles of medication we brought home.

As we (Lina and I) were loading up the car, she couldn't close the new pram my ILs bought. We struggled with it (again - we struggled to lower it so that Abby could sleep. It was A HUGE CHALLENGE) and in the end, I turned it upside down and chucked it at the back of the passenger seat. The pram came home upside down. Ultimate frustration. But damn farni.

Penny wise, pound foolish. Put ALL THE STROLLERS/PRAMS together, and we could have gotten a really good one. (I'm just bitching.) By the way, this pram's SGD45. Hopefully they use it PROPERLY. Otherwise the BLARDY PRAM MAY COLLAPSE WHILE SHALOM IS INSIDE IF NOT LATCHED PROPERLY. I freaked out when Ben was demo-ing a 'what-if' scenario to Lina. Too high strung.

Nevertheless, I counted my blessings when I was truly exhausted. When I finally persuaded myself to have dinner, I thought:
3rd floor - Lina is bathing Abby.
2nd floor - MIL is feeding Shalom.
1st floor - my dinner has been prepared. Dinner is being served.

I am too fortunate. I almost broke down and cried. Too tired.

Some more good news - Shalom's flashing real smiles at me. Abby's singing ABCs her way - she doesn't sing any other songs. But she knows her ABCs in an impressive line. "ABCDEFG, HIJKL..., QRSTUV... XYZ" That's a lot of letters. But she doesn't sing it when we ask her to. :P Very perfectionistic girl. She doesn't say SEVEN. Will whisper coz she knows she hasn't gotten it right. Even though we praise for the effort for whatever numbers or letters. W is another one. But really cool to see her acquire new stuff. :)

1 comment:

Audrey said...

Thanks dear for that encouragement. You never fail to bring a good word in times of need. Yes I will take that to an already squeezy bed with me tonight. :) Things will get better. I'm already blessed to have a friend like you. :)