Monday, May 15, 2006

Play with me, Daddy!

Ben was sharing with me how Abby and him were playing masak-masak...

"We sat down and started playing cooking. You should play cooking with her sometime. She's really funny. So I sat down and she started feeding me. And feeding me. And feeding me. She kept feeding me, and it got a lil' tiring. So I introduced a bear. She started preparing more food and fed the bear. And kept feeding the bear. I pitied that bear and introduced another bear. Now, Abby started getting a lil' panicky. Two bears, how? What to do? Suddenly, she raised her hand and told the first bear to "wait!" while she fed the second bear. After feeding for quite a while, I said, "Abby, the first bear is hungry, how?" She was now straining for ideas, and suddenly one hit her.

"Orrh orrh!" She laid both bears down to sleep.

So clever. :D


Lupin Tan said...

This two bear, eat already sleep, sleep already eat.

Does the other "bear" does the same?

Audrey said...

The other bear bear eats, sleeps AND poops. :) That's what makes him unique from the other two bears. :P

Gene Ho said...

Haha! Abby is so cute! ;p