Friday, May 19, 2006

Angel Toddler

What is your toddler's temperament?

Image Hosted by Angel Toddler
The Angel Toddler was 'good as gold' when she was a baby. Usually very social, this child is immediately comfortable in groups and can fit into most situations. She often develops language earlier than her peers or at least is clearer when making her needs known. When she wants something she can't have, it's fairly easy to distract her before her emotions escalate. And when she's really out of sorts, it's fairly easy to calm her before she gets to the tantrum stage. At play, she has a lot of staying power at a single task. This is a child who's easy and highly portable. Even when travelling, she can go with the flow and shift gears easily.

Wow... My SIL sent me an email regarding this quiz, and I just managed to do it as I was clearing my mail. Wow... praise the Lord.

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