Wednesday, September 01, 2004



It's been a long but pleasant journey. And the journey ahead is longer still... but by God's grace, we'll make it through. I still can't cease to be amazed with how he orchestrates our lives and puts precious people in it! :D Like what elise said in my friendster's testimonial - who says we dun meet our chums late in life? How true this is. As life stages progress, I find myself in the young mother's group. If not for Siew Lin and Eve, I think motherhood would be really alien (Can 'alien' be used as an adjective like this? *scratch head*). Heh.

Just had full month celebration on Sunday. There were SO MANY people! We had a 'generous' estimate of 80 -

Ben's relatives - 20
Audrey's relatives - 20
MPFSC - 20
Ben & Audrey's friends - 20 (very generous figure)

But more than 120 turned up. And we still had a lot of leftovers. Praise God! They DB (darbao) quite a bit back home, yet my in-laws are still eating them for BLD - breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The downside of having soo many people is that we couldn't talk to those whom we really wanted to talk to. Wanting to catch up with close peeps but having to juggle with feeds was quite a handful. Each feed lasts at least 40 minutes - and during this 40 minutes (2 sessions of them) people came and left. I think if condos had responses like that for their open house, their units would sell like hotcakes! :D

People came all the way here to see Abby, but she couldn't be seen coz she was plugged to my chest. Sigh. I feel pretty bad. Well, at least for those in that double 40 minute slot. Also, there were people who came and left coz there were too many people. Gosh.

Well, by about 3-4plus, people started leaving, so we panicked less and started having sane conversations with those who were still around. I think I didn't catch up with most of my relatives. :P Well, hopefully we'll be able to do so sometime in the near future.

The red packet were really a godsend. The amount covered nicely the areas we portioned and it's just amazing how God works. It's even more amazing to see some of the gifts we received. I think there was this outfit for Abby when she turns 6. That big. Heh. But the gifts were lovely. My MIL was quite amused when she saw the pigeon's tit pads. Heh.

Well, a big thank you to all those who've blessed us with ur presence and presents. We are really blessed. :)

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