Friday, September 17, 2004

My Baby can...

Today as she slept on her tummy (yup, she's under supervision when I put her on her tummy), she managed to change the position of her head from right to left! Or either that, I witnessed it! :) Heh, it's different from the usual change, coz then she's awake. Now she's asleep yet she's able to do it! :)

A couple of days ago, I noticed she fell asleep really quickly when placed on her tummy. I placed her there coz I thought she could get some exercise done, and she mustered all her strength, turned from left to right, and promptly fell asleep straightaway! She did that again yesterday with Ben! He heard her grunting, and then SILENCE. Yup. Fell asleep.

Also, either yesterday or the day before, after she finished her feed, I cleaned up the place and went back to bed while she was in Ben's arms. As I crawled in, she looked at me and SMILED!!! Wow! Usually we have no idea how to stimulate her to produce a smile (all the coochy-coos dun work... anyway we dun coochy-coo much :P) but she SMILED!!! I was on cloud 9!! :D Shucks. If only I was more diligent in blogging, then I could get the exact dates... Now I have no idea what date it is. I'm at home most of the time, and only go out sometimes in the evenings. Abby goes with us, so I guess the thinks nitetime is going-out time. :P Bad parents...

Oh, she's outgrowing her clothes already! Maybe when I manage to post photos on Flickr! then I'll be able to post them here. Meanwhile, wait k! :D (Or if you're smart enough, you'd already have seen her pictures if u maneuveur carefully around this site. But warning: OVERLOAD AHEAD! :D)

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