Tuesday, July 27, 2004


Waiting is hard. Especially when you have hardly anything to do. Well, especially when you don't want to do anything hard. I'm waiting for Abby to come out. Now, I am gainfully unemployed. Means that, I am on someone's payroll, but I'm not getting paid. Infact, I won't be seeing another payslip with my name on it for the next 2.5 years. But that's alright. Scary thought, but don't really want to think too much about it.

Ben's last day is on this Friday. And he firmly believes that Abby will arrive after that. I've to wait some more??? But I better dun complain so much and just relish in the waddling mobility I still have, before my nether regions get multilated just so that we can free Abby. Now I still have her within me, and me intact. After this, she's outside of me and the ride of our lives starts.

As much as my body has been practising Braxton-Hicks, I dun really know if they are that. In fact, I still am not sure what's happening. Just pretty zombified, and I think I'll pop a champagne once I have regular contractions. Well, will I be fortunate enough to have my water bag break 1st? Hmm. Depends on whether Abby has a fetal needle. They ought to come with one. Or simply have n inverted air-stopper like those we see on the floats. Release it and out comes the air! So the bb just has to learn how to operate one of those. If the kiddo can do that, then he/she can graduate from the comfortable womb and be responsible for his/her own swimming floats immediately.

Also have been practising 2 hr naps. Day and night included. I'm not sure wat to expect when Abby comes out, but I know that the only thing I look forward to is Ben coming home each nite. That's the best thing that happens everyday. And I thank God for that.

I was just sharing with him the other day about being slightly disturbed by his heavy breathing when he sleeps (yup, he's a heavy breather when he's a heavy sleeper, i.e. when he's really tired). I was wide awake staring at the ceiling, trying to coax the whale who has taken over my body to go comatose, while just getting more and more disturbed by every sound I heard and insamely jealous that Ben can sleep even before his head touches the pillow.

Then the Holy Spirit prompted me, "Be glad that your husband is with you every night. He is very tired and is resting well." Oops. Heh.

Honestly, I've been falling in love with him everyday over and over again, more and more each day. All glory to God!

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