Sunday, July 25, 2004

My Amazing Husband

My husband has been craving for his kau lak the whole day.
He wanted to take the packet (which he left for this evening's supper) to my granny's place so that he could enjoy it earlier.
He demonstrated self-control. He left it at home.

When we returned, he embraced his packet of kau lak cheerfully.
Suddenly, a lizard popped out from his kau lak packet!
He was astounded. He was upset. He was very angry.

He wanted to eat the kau lak still! Because he loved his kau lak. But he didn't want me to eat kau lak from a lizard-contaminated packet. So he couldn't either.

He threw his kau lak away.

And he went all out for the lizard with a vengence. A real vengence. While I just sat on the bed counting Hershey's kisses, wondering if the lizard kissed my Hershey's. (I HATE LIZARDS, BY THE WAY. My husband's my hero.)

He went for the bin. The lizard hid there. He smashed the bin. The lizard got away.
The lizard took refuge behind the Docent cabinet. My husband did not relent.
The Docent is big. It hid the lizard well.
But my husband is bigger. He relocated the Docent.
The lizard and my husband played hide-and-seek for the next half hour or so.
Finally. The lizard perished in my determined husband's hand.

And he said, "That'll teach u not to come into my room again." As if the lizard ever will.

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