Monday, June 14, 2004


Went swimming at CSC with Ben in the morning before service (uh huh, we managed to do that!) and I started thinking about the valedictorian thingey again. Couldn't really get it out of my head until I told Ben about it prior to breakfast after the swim at the coffee-shop nearby. It was then when I realised that I received the rejection at the kopi-tiam. So it wasn't really that I couldn't let go of it, but just that the place was unconsciously associated with the phonecall. After realising that, I wasn't as worried about how come I was still hung up over that.

Then during service, a prophetic word was released. Can't remember much, but one thing that struck me was that God was asking me to release my small ambition to Him in exchange for His great plans. Isaiah 55:8-9 states, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."

I'm blessed to have such a wonderful God love me. In my minute mind, the honour was big. But in God's eyes, it's a small ambition. Wow. :) It's great to know that. Then it's like seeing in my mind's eye a little child's kindergarten graduation ceremony with the kid not being able to receive his award... and although God understands that yes, it does mean alot to the child, still, there is so much more in store! :)

My family's really glad for us - Ben told them about the crossover, top 5% (or 10%? Dunno) then gave glory to God for blessing me so abundantly. As he was telling my folks, and later his, that I was the top student, within my heart, I knew that only God could accomplish that. I seriously hope I hadn't taken any glory away from the Lord. All glory to Him! Hearing Sarah's testimony about her grades had really encouraged me in sharing my personal testimony also, and it is important to share, not to gain glory for myself, but to let people know that God truly desires to bless His children!

Also, as Charlotte prayed for us today, two distinct words - crossroads and waterfall - was impressed upon her. She felt that we were at very important crossroads of our lives and that we stand as one, thus the important decisions that we make would significantly affect the other party. Also, she prayed for God's clear direction. Indeed He has shown His direction so clearly! Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Yes, it is once again a straight path! :)

For the waterfall, Charlotte confirmed that God's blessing are going to pour in, and not trickle in! Indeed it has begun! Finances have been taken care of, and reliable caregiving for Abby has also been provided! :) Wow. We are blessed!

I am trusting God that He will provide all our needs, including the sum is given to mum each month. I believe that if God, instead of MOE, is my provider, He will also provide the $$ each month to give my mother and meet all the needs. Life gets exciting coz we're stepping out of our comfort zone! :D It's darn risky, yet, only when we step out, not knowing what's going to happen next as we fully place our trust in God, that we will see miracles! And as God has instructed us to give, He will provided ALL that we need to give to others! :) Most of the time, we function the other way round - we have, then we give. Right now, God is calling Ben & I to give, then we will have more to give! Makes sense? He who sows generously will reap generously! And unless the seed falls to the ground and dies, it will not bear fruit. When we plant 1 seed, we will reap more than 1 seed. I dun think God has designed any plant (naturally) not to produce more than 1 seed. Anyway, God is good yah?!

Lastly, I pray that God will grant me the wisdom to speak to a colleague regarding the cross-over. I said that I wouldn't be going for it, but now it seems like I'm not honouring my word. Do pray along with me. :)

God bless! :)

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