Thursday, June 17, 2004


Ben's been sick the past few days - down with flu and so have been resting at home. The Centre closed on Thurs & Fri, and he was on mc from mon to wed the week after. Poor boy. & his work is non-stop still... Think when he tenders, he'll get a good rest! :D But mustn't nuah too much or else v difficult to get the momentum going again. Well, I think with Abby around, I dun think he'll get to rest much anyway.

Thought we stumbled on a great promotion: SAFRA & Starhub Promotion for Nokia 6230 @ $188 with trade-in of 7250!!! That has been wat we wanted! - Pay max $200 & trade in my fone at the same time to get 6230! SIGH. Although it states in the Safra page that the promo ends 30 June, the fone has been sold out a loooong time ago. Been reading hardware blogs, and found out that on 28th May new stock came in, then (as we pieced the info together), it was sold out by the 29th! It was that hot!

Anyway, we also found out that people are starting to let go of the 6230 already. So we wait. I also wan 6230. Actually i wan a fool-proof, shock-proof, water-proof, fire-proof, hang-proof, child-proof, myopia-proof and essentially something tat i can make a call with, organise my life and sms. I'm a simple girl... (do i hear a snicker? :P Heh.) Oh, also must have camera, I take EVERYTHING! Heheheh. If only i can post them up. Then again, alot of provocative shots... :P

Now that the fact that I'm going back to NIE is sinking in, there are logistical issues to look into. I intend to breastfeed Abby totally for 6mths, but I'll be in NIE barely a month after birth, so we need to settle her meals. The cow's away in the west, while the diner in at home... so gotta dar-bao. Had been thinkin of that, how to pump & store the milk, etc, coz initially we thought we going to keep it in the car (Abby will start eating cheese sooner than most kids) but then it was essentially a bad idea. So we asked the lactation consultant during the antenatal class and she recommended a Coleman with icepacks. Can keep for quite a while. Suddenly, God-inspired, the thought of getting a locker struck me. For the past 4 yrs, I never saw the need for a locker as i had the car, but now, the locker served a different purpose! :D A cool storage area for the container/bag holding the milk in cold storage! :D (I was about to approach the kopistall uncle to see if i could rent a section of his fridge for the milk liao - yup, that desperate.) And the best part is - Ben signed up for SAFRA membership (for the phone deal) and received a thermal bag! :D Functional and cost saving definitely! I was really surprised coz i had never seen anyone give thermal bag as a welcome gift... usually thermal flasks, sports bag etc. But thermal bag? That's the first! Praise the Lord! :D

So now we're on a hunt for a breastpump. We're hoping for a hand-me-down pump that will meet the need. I will only need it in school for about 5 weeks or so, coz after that I'll be on hols! :D Looking around in Yahoo! auction sites as well as the Yahoo! Classifieds, but hope will have. SL will be passing me a manual one, which will be a good thing! :D Praise God! :D

Spoke to Ben's sis about the BP, and she recommended a dual electric one ($$$) coz it will be time & energy saving. But I think the manual pump will be much lighter and easier to carry around as compared to the electrical one. (Think motor etc...) Well, we've got up to about 3 wks after her birth to decide, meanwhile just thank God that He's blessed us with plenty! :D

Oh, I just realised that for BA honours, we won't be 'offered' another yr to do it. It'll just be based on how well we do for the next two years! In other words, it will not be a basic deg unless the grades call for it, and if we do exceptionally well, we can get to graduate with a good honours degree! That's really something new to me. :D Praise the Lord! :D Oh, I'm now bonded with MOE for an additional two years. I think by the time I finish my bond, I can get long-service award liao. :P So far, been with the MOE for quite a while. Have been on their payroll since 2000 here and there, officially on their payroll in 2001 till now. That's 4 yrs. Now with 2 yrs no-pay leave, and with 5 yr bond - that's 11 yrs before I am an unbonded teacher. Wah. Do I just love MOE or what? :P

Received a letter from NIE about the val thingey, and so far I'm glad there are no ill-feelings created on the other side (thank God). I hope not anyway. I have been soo bored that I am now a regular on the school portal's forum. My right hip hasn't been co-operating with me and has been hurting. Pray that the pain goes away before I start Maris and NIE. Yup, still gotta go back to Maris for 4 weeks. Dr Yap! Certify me unfit!! Hehehee... :P Now the mind just on Abby & NIE.

Today is MUMMY dearest's birthday! :D Also, ranz' driving test is this morning at 11am as well! :D Well, I pray tat God will bless them abundantly! :D

Okie, I gotta finish 'Supernatural Childbirth' & 'Preparation for Parenting' - pray that will have a supernatural delivery and a good start for Abby's life! :D

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