Monday, November 27, 2006

Spikey Suppository

ARGH. Just returned not too long ago from a certain 24hr clinic around our area. Poor Shalom is unwell AGAIN - high fever and vomiting stuff besides breastmilk. It started yesterday - he felt slightly feverish so we gave him paracetemol, then thought everything would be fine. He started throwing up when we administered another dose at 7pm - and then kept throwing up eversince. The vomiting was almost involuntary - his stomach kept pumping out whatever was within. Last night was really long. He was really hot - our less than reliable thermometer registered 38.9deg Cel and when his temp was taken at the clinic (and he felt much cooler to the touch than the night before) it was 39.4! Last night we kept sponging him, and kept trying to feed medicine to keep his temperature down. But he just kept throwing up. It's amazing how much milk I produced to keep up with the nursing marathon. We were up almost every hour until about 4am. Shalom finally knocked out - and so did I - while Ben continued to sponge him.

When we woke up this morning, he was much better and even attempted to wave a 'Bye-bye!' - raised right hand, rotating wrist! It was so heartmelting to see him happy again, especially after the ordeal the night before. He really wanted to get out of the room and kept tapping his granny's shoulder to get out. Essentially it was - I've said my byes, let's go! But it started going downhill in the afternoon again. I wasn't feeling very well either. So by around evening, we decided to take him to the doc coz there was no way to keep his temperature down. So off we went.

Shalom was rather limp in my arms throughout the ride there and we had priority coz of his high temperature. It seemed like a privilege until we entered the doctor's office. I probably stepped on her tail the moment we entered it, and she had her claws out at on me throughout the whole consultation. Within me, I was just grateful for my MIL for who she is - instead of this person! She was extremely rude, told me off repeatedly even when I wasn't talking to her, extremely impatient with me when I couldn't provide precise and prompt answers to her questions. Overall, I wanted to bite her. I really did. But for the sake of Shalom, I didn't. *grits teeth* Although I almost wanted to swing Shalom's legs at her head, but better judgment cautioned me against doing so. Supposed to be civilised.

However, she was nice and patient with Ben! Maybe she really thinks I'm an incompetent mother because I didn't know if my son pooped today, couldn't give his precise weight - even at last measure (but isn't this a clinic? Couldn't she just get the weight by measuring him?), couldn't answer whether he pukes when breastfeeding. I thought I explained to her clearly by saying that he only pukes when given medication and sometimes a while after breastfeeding. Ben saw I was really pissed by her and intervened. She even made Ben call the operator to get the pharmacist at Guardian Centrepoint coz the clinic did not have the suppository.

It was extremely annoying. I really wanted to get out of there. Strangely enough, the doctor at the other office was faced with a difficult patient who wanted an injection for cough and flu. He nicely tried to tell the patient that there was no such thing, and later even got the nurse to explain to the patient, but in the end the patient got fed up, exclaimed that other clinics had such injections except here, and said he didn't wanna see the doctor anymore and left. Gosh. If there was a spectrum of doctors, these two would be at the opposite ends. Ours even lectured me on not relying on the maid coz they are forgetful yadda yadda, and even when I was asking ben to ask the doctor (I didn't wanna talk to her anymore) whether teething causes fever (I know it doesn't but MIL keeps insisting that it does so i wanted 'DOCTOR SAY DON'T HAVE) and I KENA FROM DOCTOR AGAIN! Dissed me off by saying that it's an old wives' tale. She was darn nice to Ben but absolutely horrible to me! When we exited, Ben commented, "This doctor must be absolutely biased against maids and daughters-in-law."

Out of all the suppositories, she's one of the spikiest.

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