Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Feeding Shalom

Warning: Breastfeeding talk.

My milk supply has been steadily dropping. During the early days, my supply came in late, like about the 4-5th day. Then I started getting 'abundant'. A few times I could pump out around 9.5-10oz, but that was about 4-5hrly intervatls. I even had the luxury of giving milk away, which I was really thrilled to do so. I really do believe in the goodness of breastmilk. Also, because Shalom was so young then, we thought he should have the freshest, so the 'not so fresh' ones (about 3wks but frozen) were giving away. He was taking an average of 4oz per 3hrly up to about 4months, and increased by an ounce in the fifth month.

Then school started. I tried to arm myself so that I would not give up breastfeeding like I did the last time. I got all the gear - my Medela Pump in Style, ice bag, ice blocks, my bottles, Pumpin Pals funnels, detergent, brush, basin, large ziplock bags and sterilising tablets so that I could sterilise in the car, a shawl for modest pumping and all the other miscellaneous items you'd never think about. My supply started dropping. Now, 5 weeks into school, I am barely hitting 4oz 3-4hrly and Shalom is beginning to take in 6ounces per 4 hourly - 11am, 3pm, 7pm, 11pm. (I feed him at 7am and during the night, we co-sleep.)

And I am also losing weight steadily. It's scary because I haven't been making the effort to lose weight. I am just losing it. I didn't have any idea why. Then I realised. First, my schedule. I pop in breakfast - 2 slices of bread and coffee on the way to school. Lunch is usually a fast deal at the shortest queue whenever possible, or a sandwich to go. Then I get hungry but ignore the hunger pangs coz in about 1-2hours' time, it's dinner and I don't wanna spoil my appetite. Then I hurry through dinner coz Abby's done with hers and I need to settle her. Also, somehow I'm eating lesser for dinner. It's quite dumb actually - I have no idea how much the helpers eat, and so as a matter of courtesy, I'd leave at least one item of everything for everyone. Then I don't eat very much - but my MIL wants me to eat more coz 'there's enough for everyone'. I think I'm beginning to see that the helpers don't get to eat very much, or of everything. But then, why is the old one putting on so much weight?

So for all my meals, I don't really pay much attention to what I'm taking. My only top-up is my 3-in-1 milo before sleep. Pregnancy addiction that's been carried over to the post-pregnant era.

Also, having to conquer the 3-storey staircase several times a day (including forgetting stuff when I'm about to leave the house) also contributes to the mysterious weight loss and milk depletion.

So now, to get more milk, I'm increasing my caloric intake, my water intake (also not enough), Fenugreek supplements, lactating mother's tea (I got it when I was pregnant with Abby but never got round to drinking it till recently :P Dunno whether got expiry date or not.) and pumping ideally every 3 hourly. I'm even pumping on my way home from school so that I can maintain the supply. I'm not sure if the Pumping Pals funnel is actually causing the decrease, so I'm alternating with the traditional pump funnel just to play safe.

I really hope it will start increasing again. My goal is to get 7 ounces every 3-4hourly, because I suspect that's what Shalom wants - he's not very contented after 5 ounces, and we've just upped it to 6. Abby was taking 7 ounces I think during this time or slightly later, and I need more milk to mix in with the cereals which we are starting on the 9th, when he turns 6months.

Genesis 49:25
May the God of your ancestors help you;
may the Almighty bless you
with the blessings of the heavens above,
blessings of the earth beneath,
and blessings of the breasts and womb.

Update: Yay! I hit a 7.5ounce at my last pump at 10.30pm! But it was about 4.5hrs after the previous pump. I ate lots during dinner (Ben's Trinity College Alumni gathering) and I think the Fenugreek's kicking in. I'm taking about 4 capsules of 620mg twice a day. Yay! I hope the supply will increase steadily. Otherwise my baby'll suffer. :'(


M said...

wow, I get 120ml aver, 3-4hrly :( . And that's with latching/ supplements/ lotsa soup, and wtgain on ME! Have decided to make peace with it... at least there's BM! :P

Audrey said...

Yup, must learn from you and make peace. All this pressure isn't doing much good. Just hoping he doesn't have to resort to FM that's all. :P Right now it's the biggest hurdle. I didn't make it through the last time and gave up, but now I'm slightly more determined. Otherwise it's really easy to wean off now... :'( Except that my li'l hero won't let me! :D heh.