Saturday, June 25, 2005


I've heard this a couple of times: Who you are in five years' time is a result of the people you mix with and the books you read. Well, if you don't read books, we'll just have to accept all forms of the media - movies, computer, etc. If we're just busy in our own thoughts, not receiving fresh input but just brewing the same pot of thoughts, we'll just stagnate. It's scary, but we can be so blinded by ourselves that it'll take a miracle to achieve a paradigm shift.

I'm really grateful that God's been putting wonderful people into our lives. It's strange how friendships develop, yet it seems like the most natural thing to do. I just hope that as we continue to communicate, we'll enrich one another's lives and help each other become a better person. I've learnt alot from the people around me as I observe their strengths and am just humbled by their perserverance, enthusiasm and commitment to making other peoples' lives better.

I just hope that I'll be able to do likewise to the people around me and be a blessing to them - now or in five years' time.

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