Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Second Wedding Anniversary

It's been two years. It's been awesome.

It's been said that the first year of marriage is always the toughest (accompanied by the first year after the first baby is born), but God's been faithful. He has given us a common vision so that we can run this race of life together. This teamwork has been a beautiful tango, and it is only truly by God's grace that we have an awesome marriage.

When we first got together, I was in a mess. So was he. But he was slightly better. He had just gotten out of his mess with his suicidal ex-gf and was about to swear off all women. Then he decided to check out his ol' flame (me) and found out I was *still* trying to make a clean break with a guy who didn't know how to break up. It ended terribly. But at least that guy never surfaced again.

So two dysfunctional people got together. Two dysfunctional people who always enjoyed the bubble they shared with each other and fiercely protected it from anyone who even *thought* about intruding their bubble. After attending courses, we got to know each other painfully better. In that process, we grew to love each other more. We learnt to communicate better and respect each other alot. ALOT. He learnt to lead and love. I learnt to submit.

"My desire shall be for my husband". So says God. And I'm glad He did. There's no other person I'd rather spend the rest of my life with. Through these two years, our love has deepened and grown stronger. From a fiery passionate fire, it has become a steady glow. And it's glowing bright and strong.

I've learnt that a great marriage takes hard work. And it's been an awesome and enjoyable journey.

Thanks love. You've enriched my life greatly just by your presence.

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Like my cross-stitch - a surprise gift for him - our marriage is still work-in-progress (outlining still not done!). Thank God it is. We owe it to Abigail (and the rest to come) to have a strong and god-loving marriage. I know the pain inflicted by a broken marriage. And I pray that by God's grace and our hard work, we'll have a healthy marriage. May we also be always teachable, respectful and submissive to one another.

Happy 2nd anniversary, Love. Thanks for believing in me.

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