Monday, October 18, 2004


The days are passing by in a blur. Not exactly very energetic, everywhere's still spinning, may go see doc sometime soon. Miss the girls - every single one of them - coz i haven't had much strength catching up with them. Room's still in a mess :P, need new clothes coz I dun haf suitable ones now. Have been repeating my wardrobe - today's outfit is the 3rd time i wore it this week. Need separates. My walk-in looks full but can't seem to find a thing to wear. Well, will clear out the remaining maternity stuff - some are still lingering around! :P Well, everytime i clear them it's always - I think i stil can wear this - even thought it's either too big (maternity) or too small (waaaaaaaaay before pregnancy days).

It was hilarious tonite... Bro took video of Abby imitating him sticking his tongue out and Ben caught a video clip of mum carrying abby and then realising there was a bug on her arm. I freaked out and the phone cam caught that too. In my face. :P Heh.

Oh. It's past twelve. Today is many people's birthday. Quite strange actually. Well, there's Vincent Phang's birthday, Vincent Ooi's birthday, and from what I heard, Del was supposed to be named Vincent also (is that true?? :D). It's officially Vincent Day. Heheh. :) Happy birthday Vincents and a Del!

In seven days' time, my ol' man will be going ICT. So sad. :( Dunno for how long, but praise God my MIL and I are on way better terms now, so I won't be scratching my eyes out. Heh.

Well, still tired. Physically. Will go read abit ,spend time with God, reflect and k.o. G'Nite.

P.S. My dog ate Abby's poop. Eeeeks.


Mrs Eve Ooi said...

eh... how come ur blog always got duplicates? like this "blur" and the last one on "hunting wf sinners"? :P

Audrey said...

coz computer always mess up, dunno whether post liao, so click, click, cliick! Then never check lor... heh... :P