Thursday, April 06, 2006

ABCs and I23s

Abby is growing up so fast! She much more independent now, can create her own games, mimic my mother's invented games, teases people, tells her daddy she loves him (early in the morning) as she climbs into bed with us, blows her own nose with the tissue paper and can throw into the bin (she can both pretend to do the whole routine - take tissue, pat nose, crumple tissue into ball and then walk over to the bin to throw it, as well as really blow her nose when we need to clean her runny nose. Next, we'll teach her how to diaper Shalom! Heh.) She's also checking the poo of her dolls, playing with Barbie (sigh) and combing her hair, playing with Barbie dollhouses (I thought she'll only play with that when she's much older) and pretending to put on make up *mummy shakes head*. She's very ready for toilet training, but we're not (actually it's really way too busy, so we're putting it on hold but she's leading the way anyway). She can identify most of the numerals (except the number 7 coz she can't say it so she won't say it) and some letters of the alphabet! I got her to say my name, and I almost melted. She's named one of the smaller Barbie girls 'Abigail'. She keeps holding on to it and then calling, "EH-bic-gale". She can shape sort, stack her pots, and take no for an answer. Hehe. I think that's one of the most awesome things - besides taking 'wait' for an answer too. She can count and put the noun after that - the other night she woke up coz she wasn't feeling too well, so was crying. We took her to the balcony to pacify her and then she started counting stars - "Wam... Too... Twee... Tars!" There were only three stars in the sky that night! Then the next night, Ben brought her to the balcony again. "Wam, Too, Twee Tars... WHERE???" The night was cloudy, and her 'WHERE???" was so loud! She couldn't find the stars! :D I tried taking videos of her, but it's always in the bedroom, at night. Boring shots. I also took some of Shalom - my Bearbear - where his double chin is for the world to see! But haven't uploaded them yet coz I HAVE TO STUDY FOR MY PRAGMATICS TEST TOMORROW! Sigh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Abigail was really cute , really miss seeing her n Shalom . hope to see them again soon ;) n also the videos;P