Tuesday, January 10, 2006

More Good Things To Come!

It's been one week of school, and I'm enjoying it! (Except those times when I'm trying to recall what I learnt in my previous semesters for my Functional Grammar classes... It's really not advisable to 'return everything' to the tutor once u're done with the module(s)!) Need to go Student & Academic Services to sort out the leave of absence after my delivery. Also, I managed to get a 4day week (before recess week) and 3day week (after recess week)! It'll be really helpful as I'll be BIG! God's really good :) I almost didn't manage to get Wednesdays off coz I kinda pissed the co-ordinator off by missing the deadline, but thank God everything's resolved. :)

Cleared the walk-in closet partially today while Ben and friend(s) are at the new place plastering walls and painting away! :) Wish I were there painting as well. Love to paint! :) But cannot. :'( Fumes alone will make me high. So I tidied up the closet - did some indoor 'shopping' by trying out all the maternity outfits (especially those which I thought I'd never wear) and they turned out kinda nice! :) So I've sorted out the clothes for the next ten weeks (yup - maternity stuff) and then also put aside the nursing wear (just in case we don't move out by the time I deliver, standby just in case). As for the oh-so-tight bottoms, they've been nicely packed, with personalised resolutions to fit into every single one of them (soon or not I'm not sure) after delivery. Heh. :P I've gotta clear out the non-nursing/pregnancy tops. Some I can still use while nursing, while the rest (that's what I've gotta sort out) I'll just pack them away.

Gotta sort out my notes also. My corner here is in a huge mess! My perpetual problem - stuff which my students made for me - I've only taught for two years and I really dunno what to do with the lovelies they've given me! *Confession: Some not so familiar names are also sitting in the pile - u know, those classes that you see one period a week?* I'm a hoarder. I need to clear stuff so I won't take so much along with me. :P Also, my books are a killer - I really have no idea how we're gonna store all of them at the new place!

Talking about the new place, it's coming up nicely! :D really very exciting! :) Some of the items we've bought have been delivered and is now sitting in their boxes in the hall. Stuff to go into the kitchen, up on the ceiling after the painting's done and the cabinets fixed. Ben's been working really hard on the new place - it's our Paradise! :) Lisa and Joyce have been excellent help too! :) Gosh, I don't know any other girls more industrious than the both of them! Most willing to help, and won't give excuses to skive. The world needs more people like them. :)

Went to Dr Yap's yesterday - our lil' one is a tall fella! :) He's about 1.5kg now, and has about 10 more weeks to go. Did a blood sugar test yesterday coz the urine test was just way past the darkest mark. :P Doesn't seem too good. :( Dr also gave me medication just in case the contractions I've been having get too strong. Yah, I've been having quite a number of irregular contractions, and it's rather uncomfortable at times. I didn't feel any Braxton Hicks contractions in my previous pregnancy, but this time round, it's quite a lot of them! I pray that this lil' one will be full term, and yet be able to deliver naturally, i.e. not too big. Abby was 3.72kg and 52cm when she was born, quite a huge lil' one! Head circumference was 36cm - *eeps* That's huge. I'm not sure how I'll be able to cope with my deadlines with this deadline so unpredictable, but I'll trust in God to make everything smooth! :)


M said...

Wow, just 10 more weeks! :) Was Abby early? I don't recall, only remember you went to some food fest/ something, while in labour, LOL.
Since Abby was already 36cm, delivered naturally successfully, I wouldn't worry abt your boy- you're tall! :)

BTW "Your Baby Can Read" VCDs still avail., if u're still interested just SMS me ur postal addy. I can mail it over b4 u fund transfer.

Lisa said...

Glad to help you out, Will continue to help once I'm almost done with my room. Btw I really like your kitchen tiles. Nice.