Monday, February 02, 2004

Hari Raya Haji Rumble

The war against McDonald's continues... and I've always thought that adding more veg would ease my conscience...

Just came back from groupmate's place. Gosh. I've never met up soooooo many times (including the times I was out of action) for a project. And this presentation doesn't even have any weightage. Yup, it's Social Context. :P We've/They've met up practically almost everyday for the past week, and for one day which I couldn't make it, they met from 1pm till 9. Gosh. And online meetings somemore. till 2am. Thank God I'm pregnant. And half the time I couldn't understand what's going on. ok. I'm stufid. And I'm glad I am. Hah. No lah, not that i'm complaining, really glad that everything worked out without any major showdown as predicted by others, and almost everything would be over by tomorrow's presentation. Just that the real work begins then.

Gosh. I'm lazy.

I've still got my English project pretty untouched - working with 3 malay girls. So far so good. Thank God. Totally ill-prepared for tutorial tomorrow. Homework not done, readings not read. Not good.

Maths is another chore for me. What on earth is Mathematical Investigation Task? I'm lost. Oh, am I'm supposed to submit my file.

Gosh. I'm hungry.

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