Monday, February 04, 2008

Sick Again! Plus a Few Deep Thoughts

Have been unwell and totally bloated. In fact i’ve been freezing. I sound like a pack of frozen shishamo. Anyway if gibberish appears, it’s because i’m blogging via email from my phone.

Kids aren’t fantastically well either. They’re cranky and at best, cordial with each other. Usually they’re really affectionate and proud of each other, although we try not to let them punch the daylights out of one another too many times though.

We just celebrated Lina’s birthday over the weekend. She’s growing younger and younger! When she was working for my aunt, she was born in 1980. Then when she came over to my side, i thought i remember her saying she’s born in 1982. Just last saturday, when i thought she turned 26, she said she’s born in 1985. Whatever. She’s probably one of the most reliable 23yo i known- save for the fact that her age keeps changing. Understandable though-if she’d revealed her real age, she’d be sent back, which means end of career. Counting back, she arrived in singapore at 17 only?! Wow. She’s come a long way. Although we’ve received ‘feedback’ from people re: her, we’ve managed to compromise and have our own agreement. She’s more than a maid to our family; after so many years, she’s like an elder sister to the kids. :)

We’re planning to go Sydney end of this year, kids and all. Although it’s going to be really expensive, it’s been something we’ve been wanting to do. Since most of my family is moving over there sooner or later, singapore is becoming less of a home. :(

Recently my MIL has been asking about no. 3. Although i’d love to have more kids (yup, no kidding) i need more energy and money. They don’t exactly come cheap, esp with additional rooms, schools, etc, so we’re still trying to get behind the logic of stopping work (income gone) and having kids (expenses up). Would love to have kids, but whom do i bargain the price with? Plus, being pregnant and with a new child will definitely put me out of ministry again, at least on hold. I still LOVE pregnancy and childbirth, plus newborn, breastfeeding and the whole package, but it consumes lots of attention, time, energy & money. I’ve finally just managed to balance my focus-husband, kids, work, ministry, household. If i have another one everything will be topsy-turvy again. Hmmm. Timing. Somehow i know i’ll have a no 3, but not sure when, although 2 seems perfect for now. I still remember we wanted 4, but we’ll see how. I still wanna be a SAHM.

Priorities this year:
-re-establish walk with God, i.e. Have regular quiet time (been doing well, thank God!)
-Marriage, date regularly and rediscover each other (not often enough!)
-manage work within working hours, i.e. Don’t bring work back (very challenging! I stay till 6.30 in school everyday, with backlogs sky high).
-make friends with life-giving people (cell girls have been a great blessing! Now a stronger support group.)
-spend at least 2 quality hours daily with kids.
-Sleep 8 hours daily.

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