Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Yet another viral fever...

Abby's been sick again. Her fever started in the wee hours of the morning last Thursday, and has been on a roller-coaster ride till yesterday. We finally brought her to the doctor at the polyclinic on the fifth day since the onset of the fever because we've got paracetomol at home from KKH (extra bottles from the last visit) as well as the rest of the concoction. Well, there's the silent disapproval about going PD coz he's pretty ex - $50 for consultation vs some bishan doc/gp vs polyclinic and KKH A&E (these are our options). However from the past few visits, I have realised that:

- PDs are very hesitant about prescribing antibiotics (amoxycilin) because they are not really good for our bodies, esp kids;
- polyclinic doctor (Dr S. in question) doesn't even check the throat and prescribes amoxycilin (5ml, 3x a day for 5 days);
- KKH A&E prescribes HIGH amounts (8.7ml 3x a day for either 3 or 5 days.)

- KKH A&E is very generous in their prescription for paracetomol (7.5ml every 4-6hrly) while
- polyclinic is conservative (2.5ml every 6hrly).

This is for EXACTLY the same kind of medicine (we brought KKH medicine to polyclinic pharmacist).

Polyclinics have mixed reputations. I've been shuttling to and fro for Shalom and Abby, and have met 2 doctors on both ends of the spectrum in terms of courtesy. The abovementioned doctor is quite a pain. Sigh. NVM.

Well, hopefully some day, the older folk at home will understand the difference between 'heaty' and viral infection. (Abby's recovering from the latter. Damn the infection. Damn.) Oh, forgot to add - expensive PD is 'deemed' not worth it cause they don't give very much medication. KKH quite good coz give A LOT OF medication. Polyclinic also very worth it coz GOT ANTIBIOTICS. Sigh. Doctor prescribed one, must take, what to do? Really, take antibiotics for fever of 39.3degs with runny nose and slight cough? No checking of throat, nose or ear, though doc did take temperature and listened to chest. I really hope she knew what she was doing.

Tomorrow, another visit to the doc. Shalom's been throwing up a substantial amount - undigested and semi-digested stuff, even right before a feed. Another visit to the doctor again...

Eenie Meanie Minny Moe, which doctor shall we go?

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