Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Productive Day

We went to four childcare centres today. We found one we like. Abby liked all. She's at home at all of them. We're the ones who had difficulty accepting. But thank God we found one, two streets away from our current place. Nothing like the normal 'try-to-impress' and take your money centres. Anyway now i have to get evidence that i'm a working mother.

Went to Din Tai Fung at J8 after that with MIL and Shalom. We made a detour coz MIL forgot shoes; she left home in her bedroom slippers! Better than me - i once forgot to wear my shoes to school... that was a few years ago. It was quite funny, this afternoon. Lunch was good. Abby was funny. She's getting funnier. She breastfed Ernie at Kiddy Palace today. A few days ago, a seahorse got the goodness of her invisble human milk. That's how she conveys love. Yesterday, Shalom suddenly started crying. Immediately, she took two cups, put to her chest and said, "Pump." She knows that Didi will be comforted by milk. Clever girl. And she knows how to direct feed and express. I hope she gives her own kids the goodness of human milk next time. :)

We went to Dolphin Lagoon and Underwater World in the evening. I've never been there before. Abby enjoyed the travelator best. Shalom has been fussy, and was puking everywhere. MIL and I were drenched in his puke. Used up all hankies, tissues, etc. Poor boy. He loves to stay at home. Just like Abby and us.

We went to Bedok South for dinner. We wanted to stay for the fountain show at Sentosa, but common sense decided against it - we had two tired and fussy under-2s. Not wise at all. So we had dinner and brought Abby to the playground. Now she comes down the slide all by herself -superly impressive! We met a 7-year-old by named David (hmm... David and Abigail) who took EXCELLENT care of Abby. It was like angel turned human. He was really sweet to her. Even supported her when she climbed the slide upwards.

However, I didn't know she was coming down the curvy slide. Thought she'd be ok coz she kept going up and down. Her foot got caught and she took a tumble down the curvy slide. So did all our hearts. She cried and MIL suggested leaving. I didn't want to - coz I didn't want Abby to develop a negative attitude (or phobia) towards that slide. So I just held her. Even when Ben offered to carry her. I didn't think passing her around would improve matters. She'd probably big wail all over again. So Ben asked if she wanted to play some more. She replied, "Up-dare (upstairs)... playground." My brave girl wanted to continue going on the slide! We were thrilled! "You want to go on the slide?" We asked with a smile. "Yes!" Abby replied with a rising intonation with a big smile across her face, amidst a teary face. Up she went, excited and all!

She really didn't want to leave the playground when it was time, but I spoke to her and she left with me immediately. MIL was duely impressed. She asked me what I said. I told her I just told Abby the plans we had - go upstairs, show Ah-Mah our new place, drive home, clean up and watch Baby Einstein, her favourite! :D It's very important to matter-of-factly tell her the plans - with excitment, of course! They need to know what's happening next, instead of being taken by surprise, like, "Let's go now!" instead of telling them we'll leave in five minutes (or whatever chrono-vocab they have). So we went upstairs and show the Granny the new place.

She liked the platform bed. :) Heh. Overall, I thought she liked the place. :) that's great news. :) It's been a long long day. And I have night duty. G'nite. :)

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