Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Forgiving Those Who Don't Ask

The Word for Today With Bob Gass

Forgiving Those Who Don't Ask

If you have anything against someone, forgive.
Mark 11:25 TM

Most people who hurt us do it unintentionally. They aren't aware of how we feel (which probably means we've done the same). R.T. Kendall writes: "When I was minister at Westminster Chapel...the people who betrayed me didn't think they'd done one thing wrong. You could've hooked them up to a lie detector and they'd have passed with flying colours. My friend Josif Tson, whom the Communist government of Romania imprisoned and beat for his faith, came to me and said, 'Unless you totally forgive them you'll be in chains.' I never went and told them I forgave them (this would've insulted them). It happened in my heart. Once you forgive in your heart it ceases to be an issue whether they repent or not. The blessing I got from this was incalculable." When Jesus told His disciples, "Love each I ...loved you" ( John 13:34 CEV),

He knew Peter would deny Him. When He said, "I go to prepare a place for you" ( John 14:2), He knew He was addressing men who'd forsake Him. And when He appeared to them after the resurrection He didn't say, "Why you do it?" No. He said, "Peace be with you" ( John 20:21 NIV), like it never happened. Why forgive those who don't ask? Because God's forgiven us for stuff that's just as bad, or worse! And He said, "If you have anything against someone, forgive - only then will your heavenly Father...wipe your slate clean." You'll know you've succeeded once you:
(a) stop rehearsing your grievances to others;
(b) quit trying to get even;
(c) can honestly ask God to bless them.

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