Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Haven't had time to blog. Nor the energy. I'm just glad Ben took the day off yesterday (he had a statistics quiz) and we just spent the day together. It's been a whirlwind managing two-under-two (even with help!), with assignment deadlines reminding me of the other reality - NIE. Anyway, mum thinks Abby's way more independent now that Shalom's arrived, and I'm just glad that angel has been a great sister to Shalom. This morning (at 3am), Shalom was crying (wants to be picked up - guess who's been carrying him around all day? :S) while I was in the washroom. Then I heard Abby's voice outside the toilet door! "Mummy, Didi." She was telling me that Shalom was crying - she actually woke up and walked to the bathroom to tell me that Shalom was crying! :) How sweet! :D Also, when Shalom cries, she'll ask, "Why?" and walk to him. Very big sister indeed. :)

Back to yesterday. Had an awesome day with Ben. It's been such a long time since we had our 'bubble' all to ourselves, just being ourselves - silly jokes, kisses, hugs, and little things couples usually do. We were simply minding our business and just enjoying tonnes of self-/couple-care. :D We went to NIE for his test while I went to the library to get some books for my assignment and apply for maternity leave. Then we met up after his test and had a snack - I was famished and had a craving for waffles! Later, we went to Suntec to get a cooler bag for pumping milk. Ben even bought me an Osim uZap! :D My legs were crashing on me at Suntec, so upon arriving at Osim, I zoomed straight for the iSqueeze! Heh. Ben was so disappointed at first coz he wanted to get the uZap for me (which I knew :D) but I had no choice but to go for the iSqueeze coz my legs were getting cramps as I was walking (lousy shoes lah). The promoter tried selling us both, but I didn't want the iSqueeze, only the uZap (have been hinting to Ben since I was pregnant... heh, kept egging him to try coz I didn't dare due to the pregnancy) and it's finally here! We've got the iPamper, but that thing's really heavy so the uZap's a much better alternative.

I just haven't had time yet to use it coz i've been a human pacifier to Shalom. Right now I'm working towards a pumping relationship - I pump and he drink via bottle coz he can suckle non-stop! Hopefully it can work out fine... :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is such a darling! Grown so much since i've gone.. i miss her...
