Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Daddy's Day Off

We brought Abby to NIE today, together with our helper. Ben had a group meeting and then with the lecturer, while I had to attend a one-hour session for a make up lesson. I wanted to put Abby in the next tut room, BUT! as it is term break, all room are automatically locked. My lecturer kindly and warmly allowed Abby into the class (making her the youngest undergraduate to attend a lesson)! Abby stayed for about half-hour before becoming too chatty. Had to ask Lina to let her take a walk outside. :P

Later, had lunch at one of the NTU canteens... if we'd eaten outside, I think lunch would have been about 3times the amount we paid. :P It was cheap and good. :)

Headed to Science Centre after that, courtesy of Carole. :) Parts of it were under construction; nevertheless, we went to areas which we felt Abby would enjoy herself. :) Check out the photos! :)

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Abby checking out the throngs of noisy students queuing up outside the entrance.

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Go all the way there JUST to play with playhouse??? Thank God she moved on soon after.

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Ben & Abby checking out new born hamsters suckling their mummy... Usually this activity is concealed, but the creatures didn't have much area to hide under. Note the ceiling height. The big whale had to crawl under to see the exhibits... on hands and knees! But it was fun - Abby said, "Mice!" when she saw some mice running around. I can't tell the diffeence between mice and hamsters.

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Abby very intrigued by the gears... had a lot of fun turning them at the PSLE room... (Primary Science Learning Experience or something, I think)... Sheessh...

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She didn't really like the endless image effect... kinda freaked her out... :P

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She very much preferred to play with this, and could even assemble three pieces to fit, all by herself! *Impressed!*

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I managed to solve this! :D This is the unsolved version... :)

Besides the Discovery corner and the PSLE room, we went to the outdoor WaterWorks. :) She had fun! :D

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This was the only time I carried her... :P

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Well, and this too... :D How to resist such a cutie? :D

Went to get some serious stuff done after that - HDB, haircut, etc... A very productive day indeed. :) Picked up poor Eve who's really sick but still cheonging for tuition :( and hope the bowl of tau suan went down well with her (Miracle Medicine! :D Must try! :D) Came home and washed up. Abby watched VeggieTales and k.o. very quickly after that... Praise God for a wonderful day! :) (oh. Ben went back to office in the evening to prepare for tomorrow! Very hardworking chap... :D He deserves a raise! :D)

P.S. G.Skider the Dodo's hubby realised that the camera had been on 'Macro' mode all along, thus explains the lousy photo quality for the distant shots and the nice ones close up. It has since been changed. Hopefully photos will turn out better. At least he noticed it in time before the birth of our son! :D


Anonymous said...

Cool, looks like u all had lots of fun.. especially abby.. didn't know science centre had animals..


M said...

Oo- Science Centre's on my list to go... sometime. The WATERPLAY AREA looks so fun! :)

Audrey said...

Definitely fun! :D But do beware of those 'posts' that 'asks' you questions - they are booby traps! :P Spits water at you when u open the boxes! :S Also, bring sunblock! :D As for the other areas within the building itself, I'm not sure if Athena would enjoy as much - we spent about 2 hours there coz the rest of the exhibits were a little too complex for Abby. So it's rather limited because of their age.

streetspas said...

sigh, we miss abby. :(

She'll be a lot different by the time we get back year-end.

Audrey said...

Heh, miss her harassing u guys eh? :D You'll have two to play with when u guys get back! :D The second one would be about 8mths old by then! *gasp!*