Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Some people have no sympathy...

I had to send out an email with mc attached to all my tutors, and most of them offered replies of sympathy. One mentioned she had complications with her pregnancy while the rest (including the English HEAD) mainly asked me to rest well and not be too bothered about school work. But I just don't really understand this one.

1. What does the 'event' really refer to? Pregnancy? Well - "after the event" - I would have been done with his module. Does this tutor really think the whole child-bearing process takes about a week to get over?
2. So could "event" be my unfortunate bleeding episode? Then why "congrats"?

Well, the following is the tutor's reply to my mc-email.

Dear Audrey:

Well, congrats on the forthcoming event - it sounds great. But I hope that - after the event - that you will also be able to catch up w what u will have missed; yes, I know quite a drag after the near-momentous event that's arriving! But my duty to say this, nevertheless.

I hope that it will be a marvelous event for your family and you.

Best wishes,
X-X Xxx

My mass produced letter (with customised addressing, nevertheless):

Dear Dr Xxx,

I am unable to attend school from 30 September 2005 to 6 October 2005 as I encountered some complications with the pregnancy on Friday morning 30 September and have been put on complete bedrest for a week.

I will be back in school from the 7th onwards provided I get clearance from my obstetrician.

Attached is my medical certificate for your documentation.

Thanks & regards,
Chua A. (Mdm)


joyce said...

Aiyoooo... What is he talking about??!!
Leave him alone.. Hmmm..
Hope u're better..
Continue to rest well ya.. :D

Audrey said...

I used to think he's very 'up' there... u know... kiang kiang... but now, I think he's just disconnected. :P

Mrs Eve Ooi said...

wat was that all about??? he knows what you talking about not? :P if i may make a guess, is it the chim chim lecturer you mentioned? :D

Audrey said...

k, i feel better now that I'm NOT the only one who really didn't get what this tutor was trying to say... yes, it's that chim chim lecturer...

Anonymous said...

He is a moron.


Audrey said...

Ah! Secret is revealed! Ben read this email and said that the tutor thinks I delivered! True enough, another email came congratulating me on my delivery... Well. Replied to clear the misunderstanding. :)

joyce said...

Okie.. So he was misunderstood... :D