Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Today is a productive day

I have finally completed my CEM102 paper. Initially during the early weeks of the semester, I prepared an outline of what I would do. Later I realised I literally hated what I had written (maybe a pregnancy thingey) that I refused to look at it. Utterly uninspired. Only inspired later by the inspiration of the deadline - do or die.

I had missed my last Tuesday's deadline for final draft and went for Friday's class instead. I had NOTHING done on Tuesday. Nor on Wednesday. Only on Thursday did I manage to squeeze some material out, and finished it within the hour before class started on Friday.

After a 'peer' and my tutor edited my research paper, it underwent another overhaul. Spent the whole of the weekend mulling over it, but productivity level was mediocre. Only managed to pump the whole paper out today - productivity level high.

Now I've to study for my test TOMORROW. Oh, and I've got a presentation tomorrow. Just remembered. Hmm. And I've to finish reading Oedipus by tomorrow 2.30pm. How exciting.

Ben's off day today. He's got a ton of work due soon, and another ton of school work due soon too. He's under tremendous pressure.

But the most productive person is... ABBY!

Today, she took a couple of steps! My mil was pretty nonchalant about it though. I mean she was excited and all, but cool. She brought Abby up for a bath, and just popped into the room and told us, "oh, today she took a few steps. About 3-4 steps. She was holding apples in her hand." Must have been so cute! As expected, we missed it (though we were at home!!) Abby did take about 3-4steps when she tried to give Ben a flash card later, but it was too cute. I can't believe my baby's starting to walk! Ok, she's a little late apparently, but still, I dun really care! :D

Brought her to the doc for chix pox vaccination today. She cried. The times I brought her there myself, she didn't cry!! For 3 separate occasions! :) But today, I think there were too many people in the consultation room. Dr, mil, ben, myself and a nurse (who was holding her leg down - that aroused her suspicion). So when the needle went in, she jumped. Mil was carrying her. She must think that i'm a great fibber - saying that abby didn't cry for the past injections? :P I dun care, she didn't! :D hehhe... Mummy's love yeah!

Oh, and during dinner time, Abby and mil entertained us with a new song. Lina taught abby and my mil made it entertaining coz i honestly couldn't understand a word she was singing when she first started. It was in English (I swear) but my MIL's more proficient in other languages. (I bet if I ever sang in Hockchia she'd be rolling in laughter!)

MIL: Lang-ge Ling-de Pauling...
Abby: Daow!
MIL: Pauling...
Abby: Daow!
MIL: Pauling...
Abby: Daow!
MIL: Lang-ge Ling-de Pauling...
Abby: Daow!
MIL: Mai pear...
Abby: Dae-dee!

Guess what nursery rhyme that was?

It was totally hilarious! And too cute! :D

K. Back to studying. :S


Mrs Eve Ooi said...

i know i know!!! London Bridge!! sooo..... funny!! :D

Audrey said...

Clever gurl!! :D but we were mortified when we first heard it... eyes open big big + jaw dropped... 8=O

M said...

So cute! :)