Thursday, September 01, 2005

Week 6

For the past 5 semesters, I've been able to kickstart my engine and be in full swing by Week 6 of the Semester. It's almost the end of Week 6, and I've just been kicking dust. Concentrate... I've got a presentation due next tuesday (*just* got a handle on what to present for my research proposal), 3 weeks of voice production journal writing not done, HUGE stack of reading to do, and a deadline on Monday on Semantics. I need more efficiency & productivity (since I can't ask for more time). Guess I've almost perfected the art of procrastination - busying myself with stuff that really isn't worth it.

Oh. Happy Teacher's Day to all those who've signed their lives away to MOE (myself included - and those who miraculously are still staying on although you've completed your bond!) and to those teachers who aren't from Singapore! =D Enjoy the few hours left.

P.S. Please continue to pray for New Orleans as they recover from the aftermath of Katrina.

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