Monday, September 05, 2005

Eventful Sunday (Warning: Long Post)

Went for CE (GKGW) class in the morning. Really glad we're out of the previous one and in this one. It's really very different. No one's claiming to be an expert; the facilitators believe that this is just one of the hundreds of parenting courses so we don't have to take it hook, line and sinker; it is not law so we don't have to feel guilty just because it's not working for us - they openly admit, some stuff works, some doesn't. So if something doesn't work, don't have to fret. They prayfully consider the principles presented and don't just take everything as gospel truth; there's no 'rebuke' when our children are out of line (like a 9mo going to another room without 'permission'- gosh! The poor parent from the previous course got a neat rebuke from our expert instructor because the child was supposed to hand-sign for permission. We were like, but that kid's less than a year old! But the instructor insisted that they could do it and should. Otherwise it's the parents' fault. :S)

We're just really glad that this current group (which is waaaaay cheaper than the previous one - they charge like about 2% of what we paid for the previous course!!) is a group that's teachable - even the instructors. You don't really get that with Ezzo-fied people because of the 'confidence' they have with parenting which can come across as otherwise. Instead of a 9-course meal where u must eat your portion of everything otherwise people will accuse you of wasting food, it's now a buffet where we can pick and choose. The onus is really up to us to prayfully consider the teachings instead of taking it as gospel truth. It's already hard enough when the book is of such a standard. It's even more difficult when the instructor has 'perfected' the art of child-rearing and expects perfection from the group - with their own additional 'fail-proof' techniques added in. Although initially it did give us a sense of confidence knowing that we were 'in the hands' of people who knew what was happening, later we realised that it wasn't such a wise move after all. Imagine after feeling all that horrendous guilt (we didn't perfect 'Preparation for Parenting' at all and felt an invisible oncoming rebuke during our reunion at previous course's first session of GKGW), I was really at my total defense at the 'new' (but cheaper) course. I was on all guard, but later, when I saw the attitudes of this new bunch, I was less afraid to be vulnerable. The facilitators are great. They come from a position of humility and don't thumb people down for doing wrong (well, then again, it's still too early to tell). But by not exalting this course to its highest has given me the confidence listen to what's being offered and be able to frown at what I think is unacceptable. Most importantly, we have the Holy Spirit to guide us, provided we're willing to listen to Him and not shut Him out of the class (and the course).

Paid attention during service today. It's really quite rare - eversince Abby's been born, somehow I never had the perseverance to sit through the whole sermon. It really takes self-discipline to sit through and trust my helper (as well as those committed people at the nursery) to take care of Abby while we - the parents, listen to God's word. Charlotte was sharing with me that the folks at the nursery love the kids to bits. It's just that it's the parents who are holding on to their kids so tightly, so the people in charge can't and don't have to perform their duties. I believe it's really important for the parent (at least one - instead of none if both are in the nursery) to listen to God's word and impart to the family after that. If the child becomes all that important and becomes 'god', then what's the point of going church? Might as well stay at home! It is really my responsibility as a parent to receive then impart to my children. If I don't receive, then what will I impart? I've realised that it helps to be prepared for sermon - like how we're supposed to prepared for lectures. Download the sermon outline that's available on the website and then listen accordingly. The teachings we get in school is only to get us through our projects, assignments and exams. But the teachings in church are to get us through life. Otherwise, we'll find ourselves often frantic and frazzled, living by our own strength. I must say, it really takes alot of self-discipline to keep the mind focused and the butt planted on the chair duriing service. The temptation to run to the nursery, even just to check on Abby, is really great. But I need to trust that Lina will be able to take care of her. If not, she'll tell me so. We all have our parts to play, and we need to do it well.

Audition and Late Lunch
Had music audition after service. It's really rigorous! So many tests! During our fast and slow song solo, I panicked. Kinda didn't know how and what I was singing. I was really off...:P But thank God the testers were kind and gave us positive and constructive feedback. We'll be put on probation and see how we progress - especially in our conduct and commitment. I've been contemplating for a long time whether and where to serve in ministry - for a long time because I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to juggle my commitments. But I also realised that commitments will get more demanding, whether I choose to serve or not. It's really up to me to invest my time well, instead of letting the demands around me rip me apart. It's just investing in the Quadrant 2. Last week, I had a vision - I was in the outer courts and was slowly drawn to the inner courts. Next I saw an altar. After that, I saw myself on the altar, lying down, untied. It was pure trust that I didn't run off the altar - that trust in the Lord that God was showing me. I knew within me I had the choice whether to stay or to go. I wasn't tied. Strange thing is - this is all from a 3rd person perspective. Next, a fire swept all over me. I was burnt. Burnt offering. And what was left was just a bit of gold. Not much. Just a bit - a handful. The rest became ashes.

After that, a prophetic word was released. About sacrificing ourselves on the altar of God. Wow. God showed it to me even before the release of the word. He was showing me that the gold was what I chose to invest my life in - things that will survive the fire and are purified. The rest is pretty much ashes. It's quite sobering - can you imagine, at the end of your life, you are told that it didn't amount to much actually? To me, my life has a purpose - simply because I was unwanted as a child (well, foetus actually), I know that God wants me here, not humans, and for that, I owe my life here to Him. Yet, so often, I waste my life away - giving excuses etc. And contributing only sporadically. I'm just glad there's just time for redemption.

Anyway, back to the audition. After the audition - which was about 2.30pm, our cell (who waited for Patrick and myself) went for lunch together. They all waited for us and cheered us on! :D I was really very touched. We usually finish around 12.30pm, but auditions started close to 1, and they all waited for us. I was really glad to see so many familiar faces while on stage. Abby was happily playing with them! :)

Granny's Place & Lina
We went to granny's place (after a long hiatus) for her nasi lemak. Just glad to be there. I realised that her Sunday 'boycott' had a target! She usually cooks for her youngest daughter and her son, so on Sundays, the additional people are us and my mum. Coz my mum returns from Sawang late and we are not openly enthusiastic about Sunday dinners, come eat then go, Granny stopped cooking on Sundays. But on other days she'll still cook for the rest of the family. So it's really our terrible attitudes and lack of visible gratefulness that caused her to stop cooking. Thank God Abby's there to make peace (and score redemption points). She'll loudly and endearingly call out 'AH-MAH!' (well, this term applies to quite a no of people, possibly much to my MIL's dismay, but she doesn't know :P) and my granny's heart just melted. :D That happened last Sunday when we dropped my mum's purchases for my granny off at her place, possibly that's why this Sunday she cooked dinner! :D

Well, after we had dinner, we were playing with Abby. My aunt told me that Lina was having a toothache. When I saw Lina, I was astounded. She had such a huge swell on her lower right jaw! I never noticed it! Later, I asked to see her tooth and saw a HUGE cavity. Her jaw just swelled throughout the day and we didn't even noticed! At first we said we'd take her to the polyclinic dentist the next day, but Ben felt we should get it checked asap. So we went hunting around for a dentist at 9pm on Sunday night. We found one but had closed at 9pm - we were there at 9.18pm. Ben called the Serangoon Central Branch and found they were still opened. The not too happy nurse was telling ben they had two other patients, and asked why we have to come so late, cannot come earlier. :P Ben described Lina's condition to her and asked if it was serious - if not we could go the next day. The nurse replied - swell so big already, of course very serious! So we zoomed down to the clinic. Thank God for the doc - Dr Yap Kin Wai. He's excellent - very patient and described everything in detail in Mandarin to Lina. Poor girl - never extracted a tooth in her life! Took an x-ray and saw the huge cavity! She's got an impacted tooth as well. Dr mentioned that she had quite a bit of gum problems - potential swelling eruptions anytime. So he labouriously yanked out her tooth after a ten-fifteen minute struggle. She's got super long roots! Dr mentioned to her that if the roots break, may have to do surgery. I was there praying for God to help remove the whole tooth intact! Otherwise it'll be expensive! It was a really very tough extraction.

As he made the diagnosis initially, I asked the dr if the swelling would go down after the extraction. He had a very worried and serious look on his face. He said that he'll remove the tooth and clear the whole lot of pus that was causing the swelling, but if it doesn't improve and the infection continues (like in the middle of the night), Lina needs to notify us because it may continue swelling and suffocate her! It could have been fatal! Imagine if we hadn't taken her to the dentist... She's given a lot of medication and has to return for a review next Sunday evening. Meanwhile, we're praying. Last nite was okie, she's still alive but the swelling hasn't gone down though. Huge bump.

As that was happening, I was quite worried for my assignment - deadline on 5th Sep 4.30pm. I wanted to do my assignment Sunday evening, but by the time we returned from the clinic, it was 11pm. Then I received a mail from my lecturer - the deadline's been postponed to 6th Sept 12nn!! :D Praise the Lord! Time to start on my assignment! Well, got a presentation due on the 6th as well... :P back to work!

1 comment:

Mrs Eve Ooi said...

wah!! thank God you brought lina to doc!! so dangerous :P