Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Eventful start of a new term

The one week hols finally ended. It just zoomed past. I was productive for about one hour throughout the whole week - when I was clearing my table on Sunday night, in preparation for the hectic week ahead. I have two deadlines and one presentation due. One's due tomorrow, and I'm still reading the article I'm supposed to respond to. Pray that I'll be coherent.

Witnessed two near deaths today. As I was driving to school towards Adam Road, I saw something on the road, something small. Suddenly, I realised what it was and I quickly swerved (slightly) to the left. It was a kitten, crouching on the second lane of the filter lane - still alive! It's about the size of an adult's palm, and just very frightened and frozen. About 10m ahead, I saw a guy get out of the car and walk towards the kitten. Hopefully he's the hero of that poor little one, and got there before any careless driver ran over it. The driver behind me swerved as well...

When I got to school, I saw a couple of guys putting this red and white tape, cordoning off blocks 2 and 7. Saw a plastic bag on the floor, thought it might be some bomb hoax. Everyone seemed to be going somewhere, on their mobiles talking. Walked into LT5 and then when the rest started streaming in, I overheard - 'on the latch', 'blue jeans', 'seated', 'going to jump'. Later, our lecturer came in and got us to observe a minute's silence (in prayer) for the guy up there who's severely depressed and is about to jump. From admin block. I was wondering, "Where on earth are all the psychologists in NIE?" (Later, Ben told me they might be probably rushing assignments... how sad. He could be right.)

After lecture, everything was gone. No tape, no police tentage, thank God. The guy didn't jump. Read from some blog that he'd have broken his toenail if he tried to jump coz NIE buildings are probably 3cm tall... :P Found out his name and which year he's in from a friend. Also, I was told that a female trainee teacher jumped to her death last year and her mum still has to pay off her bond!! Apparently they were passing a petition around to help her poor mother be free from this horrid debt... dunno the outcome though.

Probably that's why the guy didn't jump? Nevertheless, thank God he didn't.

Went for Nokia Starlight Cinema at the Padang in the evening to watch Madagascar. Didn't stay through the end coz Abby seemed like she'd finished watching the movie... about 40 minutes of it, and we were ready to go. (I've a deadline due tomorrow!!) She was absolutely adorable! Dancing to the movie soundtrack, amazed by the lion (she said 'RAI-ON!' today when my MIL pointed to a toy lion on the bookshelf) and puzzled by the zebra (never seen one before). She kept wanting Ben & I to sit close together and just enjoyed cuddling up with us during the movie. Later, I asked her if she wanted to go home, and she shook her head! :D Ben & I both witnessed it! Amazing! :) We know she declines offer for more food by shaking her head, but to our questions? Astounding. :) But she started playing with her toys and sucking her thumb, so we kinda knew it was time to go. It was definitely a sweet aftertaste.

Thought of the day - it doesn't matter how good or bad the appetiter, soup of the day, main course tastes; what matters is the dessert and its sweet aftertaste.

Back to my assignment.

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