Monday, February 28, 2005

More Poop Tales

Only a couple of weeks left to the end of school! :D Hurray! NEver have I looked forward to the holidays so much. Well, I'm captivated by Abby. :D She's been asleep since 8.30pm and I miss her so much already.

Took her to Dr Jr today. He seems to be in a better mood than before. His lines were pretty rehearsed though. I bet his act is, too. Patient and family enters clinic. Dr sees baby, carries baby and shows toy. Then say that wants to take baby home then parents can collect when turn 21. Then return baby to owner. :P Anyway, he was in a much better mood, as I was saying, from the last time.

Told him that SINCE HE GAVE ABBY SMECTA, she hasn't been pooping the same. That was in DECEMBER. Now her backside is a cannon. Shoots cannonballs out. Hard stuff. Not farni. :P Poor baby cry and cry. :'( She tried pooping twice yesterday, cried and gave up. 2 even more feeble attempts today. So Dr Jr gave suppository. She pooped that out in less than 5min. Had to carry her out to a quiet corner of the clinic to help cultivate her poop. Yup, she pooped the suppository out. She had this pained look on her face when the dr meddled with her. Had to sing to her, then dr ask me go join S'Idol, say sure vote for me, ask everyone to vote for me. :S I say I only sing to my darling. :D And of course to God too! :D But din say that. :P Anyway, it was Abby's favourite song, so she didn't cry. Just pained look. :'( poor baby.

Gave stool softener and medication to expel wind. Also gave tin of 400g Similac Excellence. Confessed that I'd been switching brands because have been given free tins. *bad mummy no money to buy formula coz on no pay leave* So have to sitck to Similac Excellence, which is the mildest (least oil) of the lot. The order is - Similac Excellence, Frisolac, Mamil Gold. In terms of how mild it is. Thank God Abby likes the mild taste (he said that babies may not like such mild tasting formula) though I think it's pretty ex. Found 3 tins going cheap online. Unopened. Think my aunt can get at good price, coz from Abbott. But no points though. *MIL frets*

Came back and it was Poopamania! Well, not as much as I expected, but still about a day's worth of poop. When Dr felt her stomach in the clinic, he was quite worried coz she had ALOT of wind in the stomach. Poor abby. Well, hope that she'll get better and poop normally.

Back to school tomorrow. Have to go for 8.30 lecture. School ends at 6.30, and I haven't packed yet. :P Glad for the 1week break. Monday and Thursday went for CEM fieldtrip. Otherwise had the chance to spend wif abby. But MIL not happy when I ddin't let Lina take Abby downstairs yesterday morning. Sigh. Wanna spend abit more time wif my daughter also haf to haf permission. I actually feel bad collecting abby from my PIL. Like it's the wrong thing to do. But I really hope to stimulate her in other ways besides scary electronic toys that torments with singing and the RP - the resident pontianak. That one long story... though can tell she really love abby, but when her hair is down and she goes HWWWWEEEEEEEENNNN!!! It's quite scary. But abby gets thrilled! She's brave. I'm not saying who RP is ... u go guess. ;) Hint: It's not my MIL. I won't talk about relatives that way. :P

K. Need to go soon. Managed to draft out crap for 2 modules tonite. Deadlines approaching soon, and I'm still uninspired. I need laksa, kaya-butter-toast with eggs and kopi, etc. Hmm... maybe breakfast alone tmw morning? :D Sounds good. :) Anyway, my roommate's gotta rush deadline, so won't be seeing much of him. Heh. :P

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