Sunday, December 28, 2003

A Dreamy Sunday

I couldn't wake up this morning. Tried as I might, I simply couldn't. Ben had to help me out of bed for brunch, and throughout it, i felt like a ragdoll. Had some strange dreams - attacked by an Alsatian (got my ass licked), got stuck at immigration to M'sia (was travelling with the girls) coz my passport had a serial number starting with S.81.... and it wasn't allowed in Malaysia. (??) Funny thing was, as I was stuck there, who but Jamie queued up behind me and started talkin' to me, somewhat reluctantly. She had a strange hairstyle - too gross to mention here. But since Ayumi had it (dream), so she had to too. Hmm. Oh, also dreamt that Ben & I went to this fun island - something like Sentosa but in another country I think, with kangaroos. And I met a friend there. In a couple of other dreams, I dreamt that I wanted to msg/email this friend mentioning what I dreamt. Strange. :P Well, after this marathon, I'm finally awake, and no longer feelin' like a ragdoll. Ben's gone to prepare for the BBQ first, and may pick me up later. Heh, and I have permission to beat up the ben in my dreams. He's a pure bastard - even Ben thinks so. He thinks this ben is an accummulation of all my ex-bfs. Hmmm... I think beating him up sounds good. :P

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