Monday, September 01, 2003


So how do you like the feeling of walking out of the LT knowing that the paper which you submitted was crap? Out of 17 questions, you only knew 10? The feeling of unpreparedness is great eh? Dammit, couldn't you have been more disciplined? Prepared for lectures and tutorials? Attend all lectures and tutorials? If you don't want to study, then get out of here. You've worked so hard for the last two semesters, don't throw it all away just because your attitude stinks now. Shape up, or ship out. You are not indispensible. Get out of here! There are others who want your place! Get lost!

If not... now is your last chance. You've lost about one-third of this module's score. There's two thirds left. Work hard, be smart. Don't look at those who's got Quantum Physics background. You've got your mind. A critical thinking mind that thinks out of the box. Use it, and don't let it rot. This is the last time you're going to have a stinking attitude. Let's go. We can do it!

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