Sunday, September 14, 2003

I was asked the other day, "why is it wrong to get into a relationship?" by a 14-yr-old. Not that it's wrong, but just that i think at 14, to be really committed in a relationship is really asking for trouble... yet, it's always the forbidden fruit. However, as Ben kept reminding of how we started out, no one if ever they knew, would have encouraged us to pursue the relationship. He'd sworn off women (nope, he's homophobic) and I had just shaken off a really bad relationship where i felt the guy was really a kun-niang. Sorry lah... but really... WLE, everytime we spoke of ending the rs and just staying as friends, he would erupt into one of his many 3 hr long lamentations... i took shower, mum took over, did my stuff and all while he rambled on. I did not have to say anything at all. During intervals where my mum took over the phone to tell him to stop coz it's like 3!?!?! and he'd be like, ok, auntie, i will after i finish talking to her, and he'd go on for another hour. Woah.

Sigh... i've always wondered why Joo was always so anal about me gettin' into relationships... now i know. It's not about being anal, it's about being ready. Finding myself before finding a relationship. Well, although i find myself scarily like her now, sigh... sorry babe, i have to remember that God's in control. How Ben & I worked out, only God knows, coz there was so much conflict earlier in the relationship. What most people hear of how we develop is the romantic version... Heheh... no one likes to hear bad stuff. Well, dunno why they ask also lah. Alot of know what each of us wanted, and did not want. Our roles and responsibilities, alot of growing up and adaptations,... many many tantrums and conflicts (from both ends) yet, that bubble always remained. Best friends though... through thick and thin... the friendship was part of the foundation. Without a friendship, nothing else mattered. Slowly, we surrendered the relationship to Christ. Even as a married couple, it is often tempting to do things our own way. However, when we are reminded that a marriage takes three: Christ, husband and wife, we realise that in this relationship, we serve each other and submit to each other out of reverence for Christ. (The verse that's always omitted prior to wifely and husbandly biblical duties.)

Boomm, the best to the both of you, and as delighted as you both are, may the both of you persevere to make this relationship a testimony of Christ's love for you, and may the both of you enjoy the gifts God has and will continue to bestow upon you. Hehehe.... sound like u guys are geddin' married liao. :) We'll always be WIP, and to remember this which has really led Ben & I through thick & thin - the Open Palm. Leave the relationship in your open palms, and allow the Lord Jesus Christ to do whatever He wishes.

*Hugz* babe. ;) U're my sista! =D

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