Thursday, May 03, 2007


I am just about a few minutes away from my next class, and in the midst of this pre-exam madness, I am about to explode.

I titled this 'Chrysalis' because that's pretty much what the kids are - THEY ARE CACOONED. ASLEEP IN THE CACOON.

I can talk, demonstrate, let them see, let them touch, let them experiment and play and they still have NO IDEA what they are doing. I am really teaching a special needs class.

Now it's filing season. I replace the worksheets of those who have been irresponsible, and one ultimate BLUR QUEEN writes her name on the worksheet, holds on to it for a few days, and then hands it in. EMPTY. BLANK. Like, "huh?"

ARGH. They are really quite badly labelled by other teachers at this point in time. Behaves 'well' only when I'm around. Yell at the top of their lungs when they feel like it. Gosh. Their self-control button is really jammed.

I need a break.

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