Thursday, January 27, 2005


I. Am. So. Tired. I'm even too tired to blog. Still I wanna blog. Like sometimes how I just wanna go to the school bookstore, just for the kick of it. I'm a complete nerd. There's just too much to blog till I think I'll sound incoherent. But what the heck. I sound like that sometimes anyway.

Missed Abby so much. She's beginning to make buzz sounds with her lips. And she's so amused by it. I really can't figure out why she's such an angel at home, yet when we're out, she's a whole different being. Hah. I didn't know about the woman behind me at Cartel when we met Abby's godparents. If i did, I'd have let Abby Cry It OUT. But neh. Being considerate, I exposed myself so that Abby would shut up. It almost always works. Well, I really don't care. Like what michelle says, MAY THAT WOMAN BE BLESSED WITH A CHILD ONE HUNDRED TIMES AS FUSSY. Well. She's be blessed with a one-hundred-times-as cute baby. Well. I'm sure she won't mind. Heh.

Just ended a Chinatown Fieldwork for Social Studies. That's before our ever-so-regular Hydroponics meeting. I'm so excited I can't wait for it to be OVER. Yes. That moment. I've heard so many horror stories that I really can't be bothered liao. Suresh keeps saying that he's given up. He's damn farni lah that fella. Today then the other two aunties realised that this boy actually got a girlfriend. And they were so upset coz the last time they took him seriously when he joked that he hadn't a gf. Well.

I'd say if there were anymore changes to the fieldwork, my brain would just &#@$!. (For the lack of a suitable verb, I've used signs. I'm sure they aren't vulgar.) I just hope this darn thing would be over. Please...

See? I'm incoherent. Well, at least this is my space to ventilate. If you're not comfortable, you're welcome to click on any of the links on my right panel. They're there for ur viewing pleasure.

It's finally FRIDAY TOMORROW. Ben's out with the boys playing lan games. Last week i think he really enjoyed himself. He came back really late. I just hope tomorrow will proceed smoothly. Going breakfast, then URA with Ben, Abby meeting Jere there, then lunch prolly, then go Eve's place see babies and zone out, then go cell. Well. Let's see how my precious princess fares.

I just dunno what to do when Sunday comes. Normal days, she wakes about 7 or 8, then sleep 1.5 hr later for about 1.5hrs then wake around 10 or 11, feed, then the cycle continues. On Sundays, she wakes up about that time, then feed, then wait for about half hour before her bath, then travel to church (not sleeping) then in time for her next feed which means that she hasn't slept for 3 hrs, which gets her slightly cranky. Then the applause distracts her from feeding, and just as I'm feeding in the congregation, my grandmother appears next to me after her Mandarin service wanting to carry Abby, telling me to feed later, (remember Abby's not exactly cheery and friendly now and she doesn't take to strangers very well) and then proceed to play with Abby (she's cranky) and then Abby yells her lungs out coz she doesn't wanna play and she hasn't eaten and she's sleepy and then Granny insists that Abby wants to go out for a walk then proceed to ship Abby out. Now Granny isn't very stable, so in the middle of all this chaos (now sermon is normally at the end of the first point) then Granny carts the stroller out with either me or Ben in tow or following her after a while coz Abby's screaming and Granny's unstable and upset that Abby's crying and that she doesn't like Great-Granny. Then because of all this shuffling, either Ben or I will remain, distracted and turning around to the back at regular intervals while irritating the people behind us to see if the other partner has come back with the crying baby. Then when the partner comes back, it's altar call time. Granny is once again convinced that baby doesn't like her while baby is falling asleep. Then when service is over, the cell gets excited and wants to play with Abby. But since Abby doesn't get enough sleep, she's the Bad Mood baby. Like someone in church says, "when ever is she in a good mood?" Sigh.

I wonder why I attend church.

Abby's really not like that at home AT ALL. She's laughing the whole day, making funny noises, entertaining herself and the people around her, amusing her grandma and just enjoying everyone at home. I just wished we could help her get her naps when she's out also. But it can be quite a challenge especially when we get in and out of the car etc. With all the movements, how to nap well?


Mrs Eve Ooi said...

i'm not the only one with a refuse-to-nap-when-out-that's-why-cranky baby!! yeah!! :D

so right about them being ever so easily distracted with sounds and pictures while bfdg now. quite a pain when in public! :P

Audrey said...

church has a nursery, but the kids are all YELLING in there. No point putting her there. The glass would shatter. :P