Monday, December 06, 2004


A quick blog and I'll run (off to the bed to catch up on my sleep)! It's been exactly FIVE years (05.12.99) since Ben & I first Pak-Tored, and we had a very interesting celebration. So much details, but in essence, I'm really glad he persisted in believing in me even though during a certain pre-marital period I had hurt him real badly. Melted my heart so many times tonite. We had a great heart-to-heart talk about how lives, about how much God has changed us, and about what we believe about and in other people.

I'm really glad that he is a buddy I can openly share anything with. Also, he's still free to do whatever he wants. (It's 2.42am on Monday morning and he's gone cycling! :D) I'm still dizzy from our conversation. :)

Mum took care of Abby tonite(!). It's her first and she beat around a big bush before i managed to probe her real intention. Ben & I went for Meiyin & Siew Fai's wedding service. So sweet! :D Enjoyed it very much. Met up with a couple of NIE friends. Was just sharing with Ben that I'm really glad Jeremiah is such a good friend. If not I think there'll be many days I would have shed buckets of tears and not want to go to school because, simply put, I don't make people comfortable around me. Well well. Thank God for him. Praise God. He's a real good friend. And I'm glad Ben & Jeremiah finally met tonite. It's been more than 2 years. I've been constantly talking about the both of them to each other but they've NEVER met. So it's been my desire to have them meet. (It's not v nice to talk about another guy to ur hubby u know...) Ben agrees that Jer's a really nice guy! :D

Ben & Siew Fai also hit off really well! They both like torchlights and mobile phones, so they're instant best buddies! For a moment (a long time ago), Meiyin & I thought they were both the same person! :O Ok, abit exaggerated. Maybe twin brothers...? Heh. We've self-invited ourselves to their place so that Ben can ogle at Siew Fai's collection! :D And I can go yak with Meiyin! :D Thank God for her too! She's been an angel at NIE during my down days there. :D

Okie, gotta go. :D will blog again soon.

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