Sunday, February 04, 2007

Shalom at 10 months plus

Been so busy I haven't had the chance to update. Busy with school, with life, with everything that needs attention.

Shalom's been speaking!! This chap's been saying quite a bit of stuff... started with deh-deh (Daddy), then deh-gee! (Daddy), che-che, ye-ye, ah-mah! (this one's the clearest!), mamam (me or food, can't tell the difference) but today was the classic. He wanted milk, so I heard "Mama neng neng" while heading towards the milk bar. Wah lau, of course he had express service! (No pun intended!) Another moment, I went "Aiyayayayah" and he repeated after me also. So cute, that charmer.

This evening, my aunt was carrying him and asked Abby if she could take him home. As she was asking, our lil' friend craned his head away from my aunt to take a good look at her, eyebrows knotted, as if asking, "what exactly are you talking about? How come I don't know anything about it?" It was hilarious! :D Ben, who was carrying Abby, saw the whole scene, was so amused. So was my aunt. :)

Really hope I can spend more time with the kids. It's been a mad ride. :P

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