Thursday, January 04, 2007

The Difference between a Father and a Mother

Ben took Abby to school yesterday. Seems she was pretty clingy. But Ben stood at a distance and let her mingle with her new friends and teachers. Ben showed me a photo of her engaged in an activity. Upon closer inspection, it seemed like she was doing fractions. Wah.

Today, parents weren't allowed to accompany their kids. So Ben handed Abby over to her teacher and left. She clinged on to Ben for her dear life. But within 5 minutes, she was playing with other kids and her toys. It was really quick. Ben even took a video of her playing with some toys. When her granny picked her up after school, she didn't burst out crying like how she used to do so at the previous childcare. My MIL was very surprised. Her teacher even said that Abby was very well-behaved and even played with other kids. We of little faith. We expected her to yell her lungs out, but she was happy in her new environment.

I've learnt NOT to be there during such events. I'm way too soft-hearted. Formerly at the childcare, I almost whipped her home after hearing her cry non-stop on the third day. I was there for the first 2 days. It was heart-wrenching. And she cried for a long time after that. Even when she finally settled down. At times she would be fine, then burst out crying when my MIL picks her up at the end of her session. Ben does a much better job of dropping her off at school. Coz Abby 'takes Angel to school' (not that she's going to school, but she's accompanying her toy angel to school). Ben'll pray with her every morning before dropping her off, and that really helps her to adjust. Once we asked her whom she saw at her previous childcare. And she replied, "Jesus." :)

I'm just glad she's here - in a Christian environment, with caring and loving teachers, highly engaging with preferred teaching philosophies. I just hope I can teach that way too. :P

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