Monday, December 11, 2006

The Time is NOW!

Woohoo! :D We're now waiting for the movers to arrive after lunch, and everything's mostly packed into our fifty-over boxes - with some more stuff still spilling around, e.g. our clothes, kids' clothes, etc. This whole week will be devoted to unpacking and cosolidating two systems - ben & mine - into one. It's gonna be a fun time trying to merge two separate schemas together and make the most logical conclusion from two separate cultures and lifestyles.

Things have been amazing - we've been really worried about storing our massive number of books. We wanted to get some bookcases from Ikea but we didn't know many to get and what dimensions to get in. So we wanted to wait till most of the existing shelves are moved over before we got the new shelves. But now it's solved coz we're inheriting the shelves.

Oh! Here they come! :D Woohoo!

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