Friday, October 06, 2006

The Irony of Life

My blog's probably most infamous for the entry on that unscrupulous makeover company done a while ago - check out the comments section. My mum only started reading my blog recently for updates on my two precious so she didn't know about this incident. To cut the long story short, SHE BOUGHT A PACKAGE FROM THEM!! Sigh. AND SHE PUT THE PACKAGE IN OUR NAME SOME MORE! Sigh. I don't know whether to die from laughter or from embarrassment. To cut another long story short, after I told Ben about it, he said he would not be comfortable going back there YEARLY for our shots. Like I would be? I really hope my mum would cancel the payment. (Till now, she still doesn't get it that I will never go back to that place.) The photography is really bad and after slamming it and causing many people to cancel their appts with them after googling and getting my account, I really don't know how to smile AT THEIR CAMERAS. Ben & I don't ever, ever, ever want to go back there EVER AGAIN. NEVER. EVER. AGAIN. NEVER. EVER. AGAIN. NEVER. You get the idea? Yes? No?

1 comment:

M said...

they tried to starve u & (then-foetal) Shalom!