Sunday, October 15, 2006

I Feel A Little Better

The dark clouds are dispersing. Charlotte actually saw them. Amazing. I've been too engrossed in clouds. Never did I realise that they were that symbolic. I'm glad the sun is shining through. I am so glad, so touched that she actually could understand the intensity of the clouds. No words could describe what I was going through. I was even contemplating seeking professional help. I just thank God for His wisdom. He's really professional I say! :)

Giving up control. Despite the dark clouds, I still wanted control. I know I need to give up control. But the more I tried to control, the more I lost it.

Today I realised we're not leaving Egypt. In fact, we're entering the Promised Land. Leaving Egypt involved stuff which are too scary (and too much) to mention here. Instead, "Be Bold and Courageous!" speaks loud and clear. A discerning friend from my Math class said there's too much fear. I've been gripped by fear. Thank God for her also.

The sun is indeed breaking through the clouds. I can sense the heaviness lifting. It was really heavy and difficult to breathe. Living was a chore. But now I know there's a breakthrough!

Today I learnt how to mess around with iMovie. Thank God for that! :) In fact, as I was telling my partner how long it was taking to upload the raw movie clip, he said we ought to pray for efficiency. Within the next minute the video was uploaded! :)

I believe things will go upwards from here. The uphill journey may not be easy, but the scene will surely be breathtaking. As breathtaking as these angels:

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