Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Abigail & Time

Abby was supposed to meet my godson on Friday, and she was really excited about it. Her nap time's usually from 12 to about 3, but that day, she woke up at 1.20 and tried to stay in bed till 2. She was really trying her best, but just like me, we can't go back to sleep once awaken. So when it was two, I decided to show her how 2 o'clock looked like on the clock because I mentioned that she could only get up at 3. She was amazed and went, "Oooh!!" Then she hopped back in bed.

When it was about 3 and we were done trying to sleep, I showed her the clock again. She went "WOW! That's...ELEPHANT!" She was truly amazed; I was truly amused. "What?" I asked her.

Then, once again, with utmost sincerity and wide-eyed amazement looking at the clock, "WOW, THAT'S EXCELLENT!"

1 comment:

M said...

LOL! :)