Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Our Very Important Princess

Here's our lovely princess all dressed in her favourite colour! :D She's such a charm, and she's been up to so much fun lately! :) Love the way she's suddenly sprouting Mandarin. Although she does code-switch between English and Mandarin, I'm just glad she isn't too adverse to her mother tongue (though her mother is really trying to speak Mandarin to her regularly). She's becoming more independent now, and is able to play with kids her age and even younger. She looks forward to going children's church and will ask to pray for people every night before we sleep. She's really teaching me how to pray without ceasing. She's into drawing on walls now :S and will love the brother to bits even as she bullies him into obeying her. He's learnt to defend himself though - his grip is quite secure. She'll try to grab something from him and he'll NEVER let go. We usually let them sort things out themselves (but I can't really say when the gramps are around). Anyway, she gets her way at times coz she's more mobile than him. I hope when they grow up they'll live amicably. My brother and I didn't turn out too badly. :D Anyway, she loves to take photos. Give her a camera and she'll take photos of her favourite object - the tv - besides other stuff that cannot be blogged about. *sheepish*

Oh well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such a huge smile! :)

- Mel